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International sea freight FOB export services

Introduction to Seafreight FOB Export Agency Service of Sino Logistics:

1. The ports for FOB export services include FOB Shenzhen, FOB Guangzhou, FOB Dongguan, and other ports;

2. The goods for FOB export services are mainly general general goods, and currently do not engage in the business of freezers, dangerous goods containers, and special containers; Not accepting non compliant goods;

3. FOB export services can be used for both self owned document business and non document purchase business;

4. FOB export services can connect with factory container loading services in Guangdong Province and our warehouse container loading services in Guangzhou;

5. FOB export services mainly provide services to customers who have already signed contracts with shipping companies that can pay on delivery;

6. FOB export services mainly serve buyer customers (purchasers) and can provide English, Arabic, and Spanish services;

7. For other details, please consult specifically;

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